myopic choroidopathyの例文
acute multifocal ischemic choroidopathy
Acute multifocal ischemic choroidopathy amic

There is no link between ringworm and serpiginous choroidopathy. Serpiginous choroidopathy is an eye condition. "' Serpiginous choroiditis "', also known as "'geographic "'or "'helicoid ch......

serpiginous choroidopathy
There is no link between ringworm and serpiginous choroidopathy. Serpiginous choroidopathy is an eye condition.

compound myopic astigmatism
Compound myopic astigmatism Corneal surfaces in eyes with regular astigmatism are thought to be toroidal surfaces . based on mathematical models for corneal surfaces before and after treat......

high myopic eye
Retinal detachment with macular hole in high myopic eyes and surgical treatment High myopic eyes , where the basic abnormality is excessive axial elongation , are associated with more chan......

There are times when the national interest should supersede myopic partisanship. The conquering Republicans proved arrogant, myopic, unencumbered by nuance. "But I think it's a bit myopic.......

myopic astigmatism
Simple myopic astigmatism Compound myopic astigmatism The results of using excimer laser photoastigmatism refractive keratectomy for a simple myopic astigmatism Analysis on three - year fo......

myopic best response
They choose a myopic best response, based upon a random sample of past plays of the game.

myopic choroiditis
The condition sometimes described erroneously as myopic choroiditis, but myopic crescent is not an inflammatory process and does not run parallel to the degree of myopia.

myopic crescent
The myopic crescent is commonly seen in pathological axial myopia. The condition sometimes described erroneously as myopic choroiditis, but myopic crescent is not an inflammatory process a......

myopic eye
His myopic eyes glitter behind thick wire-rimmed specs. AOSLO has also revealed significant decreases in foveal cone packing density for myopic eyes in comparison to emmetriopic eyes.

myopic lens
Thick myopic lenses are not usually mounted in wire frames, because the thin wire contrasts against the thick lens, to make its thickness much more obvious to others.

myopic policy
This is a myopic policy, in my opinion. How else will this cultural history be told if the likes of wiki enforces a myopic policy on a particular cultural plagiarism of the past? The ratio......

simple myopic astigmatism
Simple myopic astigmatism The results of using excimer laser photoastigmatism refractive keratectomy for a simple myopic astigmatism Corneal surfaces in eyes with regular astigmatism are t......